Monday, July 12, 2010

Original Document: "The Undeniable Truth: Plagiarism in Black and White"

Team Ethics Assignment


Scenario #1

You are the head cataloging librarian for a large school district and notice some books of lesbian fiction which have rather explicit covers waiting to be cataloged for the local high schools. Would you:

1) Send the books off to be bound in plain covers?
2) Put the books on the backlog shelf hoping they won't be found?
3) Process the books with the explicit covers?
4) Mark the books for patrons over 16?
5) Other (Please specify)

Team #2 Discussion Posting (Laura will post by 6pm Tuesday for all to review)

Here's the first draft of our post. Feel free to make any corrections and adjustments that you would like - I'm a huge fan of collaboration : ) Just make sure that you edit in a different color than black so we can clearly see the changes.

(Contributions by Bayo Cary, Wednesday 16, 2010, 4:08pm)

(corrections in purple by Nichole)

(changes and additions in red by Brenda on the night of June 15th)

Academic Library Group #2

Scenario: You are the head cataloging librarian for a large school district and notice some books of lesbian fiction which have rather explicit covers waiting to be cataloged for the local high schools.

Would you:

1) Send the books off to be bound in plain covers?

2) Put the books on the backlog shelf hoping they won't be found?

3) Process the books with the explicit covers?

4) Mark the books for patrons over 16?

5) Other (Please specify)

Our choice: Other – Follow a five-step process that solidifies the mission and vision of the local high school libraries one month prior to the release of the books.


We rejected the first choice because while an offensive book cover could possibly make a patron quite uncomfortable, “libraries are a traditional forum for the open exchange of information” (ALA, 2010). Teens need the freedom to expose themselves to materials that will invite them to think about their own sexuality, what their preferences are, how society would realistically view their preference, and whether they have a choice, or if sexuality is genetic. There are many, many questions that may need to be answered.

I do not concur with the majority group decision to reject the idea of recovering the books (Cary, 2010). In my opinion, reading a book is no indication of whether or not an individual agrees with the view purported by the book (B. Cary, personal communication, Wednesday 16, 2010). It can only be assumed that the individual has some curious thoughts related to a subject area, which they believe, may be addressed in the book (B. Cary, personal communication, Wednesday 16, 2010). If the issues presented in the book are of a homosexual nature, sexually explicit or not, that in of itself, in my opinion, is not enough reason to deny access to a book (B. Cary, personal communication, Wednesday 16, 2010).

The fact that the cover portrays visual images of a highly sexual nature, is important, and should be considered prior to processing the book (B. Cary, personal communication, Wednesday 16, 2010). In my opinion, it is not appropriate to display graphic images of a sexual nature, explicit or not, in a high school library, or in any other library (B. Cary, personal communication, Wednesday 16, 2010). In my opinion, whether the graphic sexual media is of a homosexual or heterosexual nature should not make any difference (B. Cary, personal communication, Wednesday 16, 2010). In my opinion, the cover should not be displayed if it is of a sexual nature (B. Cary, personal communication, Wednesday 16, 2010). The possibly explicit nature of the material, therefore, does not require consideration (B. Cary, personal communication, Wednesday 16, 2010). It is simply inappropriate to display materials of a graphic sexual nature in libraries—period (B. Cary, personal communication, Wednesday 16, 2010).

In my opinion, the book’s cover should be replaced (B. Cary, personal communication, Wednesday 16, 2010). Then the book should be processed and be made available to the general public (B. Cary, personal communication, Wednesday 16, 2010). The book should be processed and access should be provided in the same way in which other information materials are provided, even if the consumers of the information are high school students (B. Cary, personal communication, Wednesday 16, 2010). The provision of the book to high school students, therefore, should not require any addition steps, such as permission granted by the librarian, in order for an individual to access the book (B. Cary, personal communication, Wednesday 16, 2010). It should simply be available on the shelf, with no labels or warnings to indicate the nature of the subject matter addressed in the book (B. Cary, personal communication, Wednesday 16, 2010).

An offensive book cover could possibly make a patron quite uncomfortable (B. Cary, personal communication, Wednesday 16, 2010). If a patron is put-off, even by something as small and seemingly insignificant as a “racy” book cover, that individual may decide to no longer frequent the library (B. Cary, personal communication, Wednesday 16, 2010). A patron may not be able to access information elsewhere (B. Cary, personal communication, Wednesday 16, 2010). The patron may be excluded from the ability to access information which they really need (B. Cary, personal communication, Wednesday 16, 2010).

People work very hard to earn degrees and to be in respected positions within a community (B. Cary, personal communication, Wednesday 16, 2010). Many times access to these professionals, whether they be lawyers, or doctors, or anyone else, requires some sort financial transaction; they incur a significant cost (B. Cary, personal communication, Wednesday 16, 2010). People, generally, do not have access to a professional’s services, or expertise for free(B. Cary, personal communication, Wednesday 16, 2010). Financial concerns are significant to members of the low-income community (B. Cary, personal communication, Wednesday 16, 2010). Members of the low income community may have limited, little, or no access to financial resources what-so-ever (B. Cary, personal communication, Wednesday 16, 2010).

In some cases an individual may be able to locate information of the Internet or elsewhere in the library, which obviates the need to seek professional advice (B. Cary, personal communication, Wednesday 16, 2010).When an individual has limited, little, or no financial resources, access to information via the library for free may be their only possible source of information (B. Cary, personal communication, Wednesday 16, 2010).. The library in many communities is the only provider of free access to information that includes:

· Internet access as well as access to books;

· journals;

· online database; and

· assistance to reference the materials and information they seek.(B. Cary, personal communication, Wednesday 16, 2010).

As previously mentioned above, in many cases, members of low-income communities, and minorities in the U.S., have no other way to access free information. Internet access in particular, is limited among members of the minority community. Income, education, age, and location are all factors, in whether someone who is a member of a minority community, has access to the Internet. There is, however, still an appalling disparity between the availability of Internet access for Whites, and the availability of Internet access for members of the minority community, which is based on race alone. The disparity of the access to the Internet, the digital divide, can also be a combination of anyone of the factors enumerated above in addition to the factor of race. (B. Cary, personal communication, Wednesday 16, 2010).

In addition, many times, an individual will be provided more efficient and or effective services by professionals, if it is necessary for them to seek professional advice or assistance, if that individual has done prior research on whatever issue they want the professional to address. Prior knowledge about an area that is being professionally evaluated is, therefore, a boon. Prior knowledge, allows an individual to engage in a more knowledgeable, and therefore, a more effective conversation with a professional about the particular issue that needs to be addressed for the individual.(B. Cary, personal communication, Wednesday 16, 2010).

Many times an individual will have a better understanding of how their issue is being addressed. The individual may be able to understand and or communicate in some of the same terms utilized by the professional, and the service which is being provided by the professional could take less time. Overall, professional services are expensive. Some professionals charge for their services by the hour. Other professionals may require additional appointments to address an issue, if the individual requires too much explanation regarding the service which is being provided, and that too creates a cost barrier to access of needed information.(B. Cary, personal communication, Wednesday 16, 2010).

In my opinion, it should be taken into consideration, how the entire community of people who access information at the library feel, and how they may react to something which may be considered sexually explicit. The fact that the cover is of homosexual lovers is a secondary issue, insofar as I am concerned. However, the overall comfort of other library patrons should be considered an issue of significant enough to cause a large degree of disquietude. (B. Cary, personal communication, Wednesday 16, 2010).

Furthermore, homosexuality is not considered to be an acceptable lifestyle everywhere in the world. There may be no one for the teen to talk to because of the social stigma attached to same sex relationships. Teens should be able to find solace in the nonjudgmental library atmosphere. If a teenager sees that a book has been rebound in a plain cover to hide the true nature of the novel, he or she may feel that the library has taken a stance on a social issue which is something that libraries must be careful to avoid. In short, “libraries must maintain policies and procedures that serve the diverse needs of their users and protect the First Amendment right to receive information” (ALA, 2010)

In my opinion, the determining factor in who should be allowed access to information should be based solely on the issue of “protection” (B. Cary, personal communication, Wednesday 16, 2010). However, I am open to the idea that there may be other issues pertaining to information access, which I have neglected to consider, which may require some amount of restricted access as well (B. Cary, personal communication, Wednesday 16, 2010). In general, it is of my opinion, that the over ridding issues which require consideration are the issues of: personal health and overall safety (B. Cary, personal communication, Wednesday 16, 2010).

In order to address these issue I believe it is necessary to broach the following question: Will the information provided in the book cause the individual who accesses the book a significant, and therefore unacceptable, level of harm or cause serious injury (B. Cary, personal communication, Wednesday 16, 2010) ? In my opinion, is the answer to the previous query is: “yes,” then access to the material by teens should be restricted (B. Cary, personal communication, Wednesday 16, 2010). I strongly believe that Children/teens should be protected from exposure to information which may hurt them, even on the tertiary level (B. Cary, personal communication, Wednesday 16, 2010).

In my opinion, I think that in most cases this includes exposure to materials of a sexual nature, the issue of the explicitly of the materials is, therefore, not a factor that requires consideration in this particular instance(B. Cary, personal communication, Wednesday 16, 2010). Access to information is so vitally important that, in my opinion, the need to provide information access, regardless of the content, is of a critical nature (B. Cary, personal communication, Wednesday 16, 2010).

The second choice was also unacceptable because as a child is becoming an adult, questions of human sexuality and sexual preference surface. Even if parents do not approve, teens need an opportunity to read and reflect on issues of homosexuality, especially if they feel attracted to the same sex.

If no one is available to talk to, then what is available in books and other forms of media, may be a teen’s only opportunity to explore issues related to human sexuality. They may have a real need that will not be met, if they lose access to books about homosexuality. Teens need to be able to fully understand the consequences of engaging in a homosexual relationship prior to doing so. There can be many unpleasant repercussions due to how harshly society still views same sex relationships. While reading a lesbian novel would not provide the authoritative sources necessary to understand the consequences of a homosexual relationship, having the novel in the library might help the teen to feel comfortable to ask for or seek out other materials among the library collection.

It is a disservice to these teens to hide controversial material. As the ALA states, “Because restricted materials often deal with controversial, unusual, or sensitive subjects, having to ask a librarian or circulation clerk for access to them may be embarrassing or inhibiting for patrons desiring the materials.”

The third choice came the closest to reflecting our final decision, but it was not complex enough to address our concerns. We decided that a more comprehensive approach was necessary.

Finally, we rejected the fourth option because labeling or rating books these books could serve to prejudice the library user against viewing these books. ALA does not support labeling materials because "potential library users may be predisposed to think of the materials as objectionable and, therefore, be reluctant to ask for access to them" (2010). Rating books is also based on the preconceived ideas and values of the rater. This is also contrary to the Library Bill of Rights because "prejudicial label is used to warn, discourage, or prohibit users or certain groups of users from accessing the material" (ALA, 2010).

Our Final Decision:

“Restricting access to library materials violates the basic tenets of the Library Bill of Rights” (ALA, 2010). The above statement supports the idea that library materials should be made available, regardless of content, whenever possible. “A primary goal of the library profession is to facilitate access to all points of view on current and historical issues” (ALA, 2010). It is important to provide books about subjects regardless of what the subject area is. Someone may choose to read the entire book or just parts of the book.

We must also strive to continue to protect Intellectual Freedom which is described in the following way in the Intellectual Freedom Manual. "Intellectual freedom can exist only where two essential conditions are met: first, that all individuals have the right to hold any belief on any subject and to convey their ideas in any form they deem appropriate, and second, that society makes an equal commitment to the right of unrestricted access to information and ideas regardless of the communication medium used, the content of work, and the viewpoints of both the author and the receiver of information."

However, the First Amendment does not protect pornography. Therefore, the first step of the process we propose is to determine if the cover art is pornographic. According to Merriam-Webster Online, pornography is defined as “material that depicts erotic behavior and is intended to cause sexual arousal” (2010). If the book cover is determined to be explicit, but not pornographic, it is subject to protection under the ALA’s Library Bill of Rights.

Next, the book needs to be properly cataloged in the same manner one would catalog any other novel. It must not have a special notation or restriction tag. (I removed the "u" and "e" in catalog to reflect American/Dewey version of the spelling)

The third step is crucial to the success of the plan. A memorandum regarding the school district’s high school libraries’ vision and mission will be distributed to all high school library staff, high school principles and vice principles, and the superintendent. There will be no mention of the novel, but this issuance will preempt many questions that people may have about the material. Furthermore, it will discourage library staff from deferring to their own personal beliefs. Professionalism in the workplace is highly valued and more likely to transpire if the staff feels united in its purpose.

Fourth, one month after the circulation of the memorandum, the book will be distributed to all local high schools within the district. A one-month delay is suggested to ensure that all staff has received and read the vision and mission statements.

And finally, the books will be shelved according to standard shelving practices. The books will not be hidden or blocked from view in any way.

In all, our plan breaks down to the following:

Evaluate the cover.
Catalog without restriction. (changed spelling here also)
Distribute the libraries’ vision and mission statements.
Distribute the books.
Shelve appropriately.

(Great job on combining the discussion and previous postings into one document! It is very comprehensive. - NA)


American Library Association. (2010). Intellectual freedom manual. (7th ed.). Chicago: American Library Association.

American Library Association. (2010). Restricted access to library materials:

An interpretation of the library Bill of Rights. Intellectual freedom.


Merriam-Webster. (2010). Pornography. Merriam-Webster online. http://www.merriam-


By: Bayo Cary 06/14/2010

1) You are the head cataloging librarian for a large school district and notice some books of lesbian fiction which have rather explicit covers waiting to be cataloged for the local high schools. Would you:

The question of whether or not to send the books off to be bound in plain covers? Or to Process the books with the explicit covers? Present the same primary concern in my opinion:

Reading a book is no indication of whether or not an individual agrees with the view purported by the book. A cover is not necessarily an indication of what is printed in the book. “Libraries must maintain policies and procedures that serve the diverse needs of their users and protect the First Amendment right to receive information” (ALA, 2010). While I agree with the need to provide information materials, regardless of the content is important, the presentation of the materials in a way that would not be considered offensive is important.

An offensive book cover could possibly make a patron quite uncomfortable. It should be taken into consideration how the entire community of people who access the library feel and how they may react to something which may be sexually explicit. The fact that the cover is of homosexual lovers is a secondary issue, insofar as I am concerned. However, the overall comfort of other library patrons should be considered an issue of significant concern.

2) Put the books on the backlog shelf hoping they won't be found?

"Physical and virtual restrictions on access to library materials may generate psychological, service, or language skills barriers to access as well"(ALA, 2010). "Because restricted materials often deal with controversial, unusual, or sensitive subjects, having to ask a librarian or circulation clerk for access to them may be embarrassing or inhibiting for patrons desiring the materials"(ALA, 2010). Even when a title is listed in the catalog with a reference to its restricted status, a barrier is placed between the patron and the publication" (ALA, 2010).

“Restricting access to library materials violates the basic tenets of the Library Bill of Rights” (ALA, 2010). A barrier is a barrier. Access should be provided to library materials barrier free. My assertion is based on my understanding of what is generally expected, and on how an individual could not logically explicate the acceptability of novels on similar issues, sexually explicit or not, in regards to heterosexual couples, but not in regards to homosexual couples.

3) Mark the books for patrons over 16?

This is a very difficult question to answer. An individual who is only 16 is not considered an adult. Our thinking processes change and mature as we age. A 16 year old may not be able to judge a book which deal with homosexual sexual material from a critical point of view. A 16 year may agree or disagree with sexual behaviors, preferences, or messages, that may affect them negatively in the long-run. An ability to truly think through something as complicated as human sexuality, may not develop until later in life.

However, it is at that very age, of 16, that a child is becoming an adult, when questions of human sexuality and sexual preference surface. Even if parents do not approve, teens need an opportunity to read and reflect on issues of homosexuality, especially if they feel attracted to the same sex.

Teens need the ability to expose themselves to materials which will cause them to think about their own sexuality, what their preferences are, how society would realistically view their preference, whether they had a choice, or if it were genetic, etc.. There are many many questions which may need to be answered. Homosexuality is still not considered an acceptable choice in America. There may be no one for the teen to talk to because the social stigma attached to same sex relationships.

If no one is available to talk to, then what is available in books and other forms of media, may be a teen’s only opportunity to explore issues related to human sexuality. They may have a real need which will not be met, if they lose access to books about homosexuality. Teens need to be able to fully understand the consequences of engaging in a homosexual relationship prior to doing so. There can be many unpleasant repercussions due to how harshly society still views same sex relationships.

Labeling or rating books these books could serve to prejudice the library user against viewing these books. ALA does not support labeling materials because it "predispos[es] people’s attitudes toward library materials." Rating books is also based on the preconceived ideas and values of the rater. This is also contrary to the Library Bill of Rights because "prejudicial label is used to warn, discourage, or prohibit users or certain groups of users from accessing the material." (Nichole)
4) “The Question of Acceptability Regarding Books which focus on Lesbian Relationships”

“Restricting access to library materials violates the basic tenets of the Library Bill of Rights” (ALA, 2010). The above statement supports the idea that library materials should be made available, regardless of content, whenever possible. “A primary goal of the library profession is to facilitate access to all points of view on current and historical issues” (ALA, 2010). It is important to provide books about subjects regardless of what the subject area is. Someone may chose to read the entire book or just parts of the book.

There are many books, both recent and historic, which tell stories which are very sexual and or very graphic in nature. I think that you could not successfully and logically argue that a racy book about heterosexual relationships or graphic violence should be permissible and is acceptable, while at the same time arguing a claim that a book about lesbian relationships was any less acceptable.

Works Cited

American Library Association (ALA) (2010). Restricted Access to Library Materials:
An Interpretation of the Library Bill of Rights. Retrieved from

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Student Unethical Conduct|


Original Document: Letter Between Goup 1 Leader and Myself

Fwd: Re: Ethical DB Post by Bayo Cary: LIS5408.su10.web_cohort2‏
De : Bayo Cary (
Envoyé : lun. 12/07/10 22:30
À :
1 pièce jointe
Re Ethica...mht (9,3 Ko)

--Pièce jointe du message transmise--
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 2010 22:14:09 -0400
Subject: Re: Ethical DB Post by Bayo Cary: LIS5408.su10.web_cohort2

Dear Nichole,

I simply posted what I wrote and expressed in my original thoughts to the discussion post. I wanted to share what I thought on my own separately from the group opinion, which is in the unedited wiki post. In many ways how I think about the ethical issue and what I wrote pertaining to the issues are too similar. I felt that it was important that there be a clear distinction presented and available regarding what I wrote and expressed in my own original thoughts and what the group chose to agree upon.

I think that it is very important to give credit where credit is due. I felt uncomfortable with how close my own ideas, expressions, and even phrases, were to the statements which are attributed to other sources according to the group wiki. I wrote my reflections on the ethical issue we were considering several days ago. I documented my materials by e-mailing what I created in my own original words to several close friends and family members so that I would have some tangible proof of the fact that I indeed wrote what I wrote on my own and without the contributions of fellow group members.

I then posted what the group considered their document and their work under what I wrote. I feel that it is necessary to give other people in the class an opportunity to compare the two documents and then draw their own conclusions on the situation. In addition, I was not comfortable with how the group chat was held this week. I felt left out of the conversation. I believe this was done intentionally and I am unaware of the reasons why you would chose not to include a fellow group member.

I believe that my opinion is important and should be included in the final draft of the group wiki post. Whether I agree with you or not should not matter. The group wiki, and the ethical matter which was evaluated, was a group project. Which means that the final product should give credit to each individual based on their original contributions, as well as include everyone's opinion, even if an individuals opinion is not in agreement with the majority.

I did not feel confident enough, after you chose to exclude me from this week's group chat, and after you chose to neglect to give me credit for my contribution to the group wiki, to trust that you would: 1) recognize my original creative work and what I contributed to the group wiki, or 2) keep my contributions as part of the group wiki if you disagreed with what I had to say. I think that my opinion matters. I wanted everyone in class to know, including the instructors what happened in our chat, as well as who actually wrote what was in the group wiki, and what I thought about the issues even if other group members felt that it was appropriate to erase, or alter, or even take out of context what I expressed, or not give me credit for my original thoughts.

I have cc this email to the other group members and to the instructors. I think that plagerism is a very serious ethical issue and it is ironic that it occurred when deal with and ethical issue. I do not feel comfortable working with you anymore. I feel like you are dishonest and un ethical. I will request to be moved to another group, or I will simply complete the assignments on my own. Your response to this email, Nichole, is not welcome.


Bayo Cary

The Issues: Group 1 Plagiarism Group 2 Exclusion

Library Management Florida State University Dr. Kim's Class Summer 2010

There are two issues which are being addressed here. The situations which occurred in group 1 and group 2 may be related tangentially but are overall very different. The issue in Group 1 is: "plagiarism," the issue in Group 2 is: "group exclusion."

Group 1: "Plagiarism"

I was initially in Group 1. A group I had been assigned to. I offered to write up my opinion on a class ethics assignment and I posted my original opinion to a the Group 1 wiki. The other group members copied what I wrote. They copied entire paragraphs, but never felt the need to give me attribution for any of my work. However, they did give themselves credit for their contributions, which were based almost verbatim on what I contributed. The group members also thought that it was fine to attribute what I wrote to other people and organizations.

Nobody helps me write. I live alone. I study alone. I do my assignments alone. I am a healthy independent adult who is working hard to earn a Master's degree in library and information science at Florida State University (F.S.U.). This is one of my last classes and my last semester in the Master's program at F.S.U.. All I have to do is pass this class with an "A" and then I can get a job in my field, or continue to study somewhere else. Up until 7-7-2010, I had an "A" in the class. I have a perfect 4.0 G. P.A. in the F.S.U. library and information science program. I have received a letter of recommendation from almost every professor who has taught me in the program. I voluntarily wrote a thesis for my Master's Degree as well. My major professor agreed to work with me again, when I was accepted to the Specialist's program at F.S.U. for Fall 2010, which is also a program in the school of library and information science.

I am hurt and startled by what has been happening in this library and management class at F.S.U. (summer 2010). I have attended several universities in Florida (University of Florida, Santa Fe Community College, Keiser College) and in Georgia (Agnes Scott College). No one has ever stolen my work before. I had a class which highlighted the issue of "plagiarism" at Santa Fe Community College in Gainesville, Florida. Professors at the University of Florida in Gainesville, Florida always stressed the need to document sources and to provide attribution. As previously stated, I voluntarily wrote a thesis at F.S.U. while I was enrolled in the library and information science program. My major professor at F.S.U. stressed the fact that my references and citations needed to be as close to perfect as humanly possible.

In addition, I also took classes at F.S.U. as an undergraduate. I always documented my sources, nobody has ever stolen my academic work before. No professor I know of anywhere, who is required to "publish or perish" would approve of someone stealing their work and not giving them proper credit. It is unfortunate that my fellow classmates in Group 1 were unable to produce their own original thoughts. I strongly recommend they apply to a different Master's program after having done some serious review of the issue of "plagiarism." Information about the serious nature of "plagiarism is available in the F.S.U. student handbook and is written in to the F.S.U. student honor code. The F.S.U. student handbook and the F.S.U. honor code documents, are easily accessible online, through the F.S.U. website. It is important that students really understand why they should not to steal anyone's work.

Professor Dr. Kim's Response to the Plagiarism Issue:

After what occurred in Group 1, I requested to be able to work independently. Dr. Kim stated that I would be allowed to work alone, however, my grade would be lowered. I did not think that was fair, because it was not my fault that the work had been taken and "plagiarised" by the other students in Group 1, however, I agreed to work alone. Dr. Kim agreed that I could work alone. Then she changed her mind in a following email. She said that I should learn to work in a group. Ordinarily, I have no difficulty working in groups. I have done so many times before. I have worked in many groups in the F.S.U. Master's program, and I have had a great deal of experience working in groups, prior to my admission to the F.S.U. Master's program. Dr. Kim, then, moved me into Group 2. She said that Group 2 members were friendly and that they had agreed to work with me. I was reluctant to join Group 2, because of what occurred with the students who were in Group 1 with me, however, I felt as though I had no choice in the subject.

Group 2: "Group Exclusion"

Group 2 sent me friendly emails welcoming me to the group. I was still hurt because of what happened in Group 1, but I thought that I would try to trust again. I began writing emails to Group 2 members to find out when the group meetings would be held. Group 2 members initially responded to me emails. Then Group 2 members responded that all correspondence needed to be held on the Group 2 discussion board D.B. on the group Blackboard site. I then posted to the group D.B. and inquired as to when the next Group 2 meeting would be held.

I went to the next Group 2 meeting that the members confirmed was going to be held. Nobody showed up. I wrote another message to see when the next group meeting would be held. There was a class which occurred on 6-28-2010. I went to class then I went directly to meet with my fellow Group 2 members, class was not officially over, and that particular Group 2 meeting was a required part of the 6-28-2010 class. Only one person showed up. We spoke. We both made guesses as to where the other Group 2 members were. We both waited for a while, spoke a little more, then left. To the best of my knowledge Group 2 members did not meet on 6-28-2010, after class, again, without me.

I inquired into when the next Group 2 meeting was going to be held. I was told when the next Group 2 meeting was going to be. I went to the next Group 2 meeting. No one at all showed up. I checked back into the group D.B. to see what, if anything, had occurred to my fellow group members. A Group 2 member apologized for his absence (only) and made an excuse, then gave me another date and time for the next Group 2 meeting. By this time there were only a few days left until the first Group 2 assignment was due. My posts to the D.B. had not been answered sufficiently.

At the next meeting, I attempted to disengage myself from Group 2. They insisted that I stay. I acted as CEO for Group 2. My fellow Group 2 members missed the agreed upon meetings and not me. It was my understanding from the class chat, and from correspondence from Dr. Kim, that assigning roles was permissible if other group members failed to show up at the meetings. I redid parts of the final project. I gave myself credit for my contributions, which none of the other group members had done on the initial submission 7-7-2010, which was approved by Dr. Kim via email. I then turned the assignment again, for a second time on 7-9-2010, prior to the due date/time through the Blackboard assignment submission link.

Professor Dr. Kim's Response:

Dr. Kim blocked me from accessing the Group 2 Blackboard site. However, she never moved me into another group, or acknowledged the fact that the other Group 2 members stated that they no longer wished to work with me. Dr. Kim took a very private issue and made it very public, by creating a separate discussion area on the class D.B. about what occurred regarding the "plagiarism issue" and Group 1 and the "group exclusion" which occurred in Group 2. Dr. Kim expected the students to participate in the discussion, about the two separate incidents, on the class D.B. .
I objected, I sent a Dean a message and stated that Dr. Kim was placing the students in the library management class in a very uncomfortable position. I believe that Dr. Kim is abusing what little power she has, to try and persuade the class to believe, that she handled both incidents correctly. I disagree. She mishandled both situations, and should not be allowed to teach in the F.S.U. library and information science program.

Dr. Kim is not familiar with the rules, available in the student handbook and student honor code, pertaining to "plagiarism." Dr. Kim, was not concerned at all about what my final grade in the class would be, or how I would receive credit for my contributions to the group assignments, even though I did the majority of the work for Group 1 and I contributed a great deal to the Group 2 assignments submitted (7-7-2010/7-9-2010) as well. Dr. Kim was not concerned about the fact that the Group 2 members, habitually missed agreed upon meeting times as well, even those assigned by her, which were incorporated into the class period, and which were required for class participation.

Class participation, was listed in the class syllabus, as a graded part of the class, that could not be missed, or a student's grade would be reduced. I never missed a class or a Group 1 or Group 2 meetings, however, I am well aware of the fact that many of the other students that I worked with in Dr. Kim's class this semester missed both. I was prevented from attending class the 10th week of class by Dr. Kim. Dr. Kim still had not written me back regarding my request to work independently and Dr. Kim did not move me in to a Group 3, she simply would not allow me to attend class.

I copied the transcripts from the class that I was not allowed to attend, so that I could keep abreast of what was occurring in the class. Then Dr.Kim removed my link to the class which was posted on my Blackboard web page, and I could no longer access the class at all. The students sounded stressed out in the transcript from the class that I was not able to attend. I hope that they were assigned a different instructor for the remainder of this semester (summer 2010).